Today was the first time I have gone into my studio to paint for over 2 years.
I had stopped for two reasons. Firstly, looking after my second son full time when he was very young left me little time to paint. Secondly, I found it hard to be motivated to paint when the destiny of the majority of my paintings was to be covered in bubble-wrap and put into a storage room. Although I enjoy the process of painting, I need to know that the paintings are going to be seen otherwise they are pointless. My drive to paint is now attempting to overcome this inertia.
I have now titled and signed the last painting I completed - 'A Slow Expansion' - in 2012. I have pinned 10 photographs of ideas for paintings to the walls of the studio, and I have blacked up 4 canvases in preparation for new paintings. This might not sound like much, but it is a beginning - a commitment to starting again.